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Chinese translation for "key money"


Related Translations:
hush money:  封住嘴的贿赂。
smart money:  1.惩罚性赔偿金。2.〔英国〕伤兵抚恤金。3.(知道内情者投下的)可操胜算的赌注[投资]。
money box:  钱箱。
crooked money:  不义之财。
call money:  活期贷款的款子。
subsistence money:  生活费。
bounty money:  (军功)赏金。
token money:  〔英史〕(商店发行的)代币。
monkey money:  〔美俚〕公司的临时股票;期票;外国货币。
press money:  【历史】新兵入伍安家费。
Example Sentences:
1.Key money , construction fee etc . mentioned in the lease
2.Chapter three compares the advantage and disadvantage of some key money in the east asian monetary cooperation from the positive economics view , such as yen , dollar , rmb and the asian dollar . the author discusses the frame and content of east asian monetary cooperation , making a full review on the necessity and the possibility of china taking part in east asian monetary coordination
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